Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Talking about fakes? Then let me introduce you to Amanda_Rox_hard. A stupid little bitch who pretends everyone to respect her because her "suposed dad is PRIVO", which Privo is not a name, but a company.
Well, she send me the other day this message, wanting me to give her my password because her "dad" wanted to delete my account.
As I told her I was NOT giving my pass, she got furious, and revealed me how did she became superstar. Simple, she told other users what she told me, but told them she won't close their account for 1 code. Those members gave her the code, and she sayed she never in 10 months payed a single code or whatever.

There's the messages she sended me, and the others were Guestbook comments, which the little bitch deleted.

Hope you don't fall in this little trick of hers, and don't loose your account as many people did.

Barbu, xo.

1 comment:

ItalianGirl. said...

Don't believe that child.
If she her dad worked on Stardoll then she would have been Superstar by her father, not by the codes that were given to her by others.
She's obviously lying.